Business Portraits and Headshots

Business Portraits and Headshots

Business Portraits and Headshots

I’ve done a lot of portraits and headshots, even more so over the last few years  and enjoy it very much. My main desire as a professional is to exceed the expectations of my client. My technical skill and experience speaks for itself and those are very important. But I often joke with people that while a fancy camera and good lighting are great, the chemistry between us during the session is perhaps the most important. I try to do this by making my subject enjoy the experience, learn to relax. By taking the time to encourage them to play with it and have some fun. Most people don’t like being in front of a camera and this helps people relax and they are able to reach a place mentally where there professional image comes out.It seems like we both come away from it feeling good about the experience.  

I recently did a session at a local construction company where we did a power pose and had some fun with it and it helped set the tone for us to get the professional portraits we needed. When you can get the photos your client needs and it was a pleasant experience for everyone it’s great for business, for us and them.

Checkout my Portraits and Headshots gallery here.